What is a plant?
Via Free School

The Needs of a Plant. Five things plants need to live.
Plants need water, soil, space, light and air.
Via Harry Kindergarten Music

Jared shows us how old a tree is.
How? By counting the rings of the trunk cross section.
Via FunScienceDemos

Plants give us

  • food (vitamins and minerals),
  • wood,
  • paper,
  • clothes,
  • medicine,
  • the oxygen we need to live
  • and much more.

The importance of trees – Why do we need trees?
Source | Simply E-learn kids

The importance of planting trees
Source | Juan David Alemán Álvarez

Plants in everyday life
Discover how plants are used in our everyday life.
Source | Mrs. Dettmann

lifecycle3plantThe life cycle of a plant:

1) Most seeds need warmth, water, sunlight and air to germinate. The seeds germinate. Germination is the process by which a shoot starts to grow from a seed.
2) A root grows down from the seed. A stem grows up from the seed.
3) Leaves grow on the stem. The plant can now make its own food.
4) A flower grows on the plant.
5) Seeds develop in the carpel.
6) The plant dies, but new plants can grow from its seeds.

Germination of seeds by Mocomi Kids
When a seed begins to grow is called germination.

Video | Fast Plants® Life Cycle Time Lapse.
University of Wisconsin–Madison.

Video | Time lapse stock footage of flowering trees in spring season. Time lapse of flowering trees such wild apple tree, apricot tree, cherry tree, japanese cherry tree, apple tree, pear tree. Video by HDtimelapse.net