Pollination + Fertilisation

Plant reproduction can be broken into two parts:

  • pollination
  • followed by fertilization.

Flower reproduction
Source | Mark Drollinger


Pollination is the transfer of pollen from the stamens to the stigma.

There are two types of pollination:

  • animal pollination
  • and wind pollination.

Animals or the wind move the pollen from one flower to another.


Colourful petals attract insects like bees.
They are attracted to the flower to drink the nectar.

Pollen stick to the body of the bee.
Bees will carry pollen from flower to flower.

In this way, pollen is transferred.
This is called animal pollination.


Some plants don’t have colourful petals to attract animals.
They use wind to reproduce.

The wind blows pollen from the staments to the stigma.
This is called wind pollination.

Fertilisation is when pollen joins with an ovule.
This process happens in the stigma.

The ovary contains ovules.
Ovules develop into seeds upon fertilization.

First, pollen travels from the stamen to the stigma.
Then, the fertilised ovule becomes a seed.


The stigma develops and forms a fruit around the seed.


When a seed lands in soil it can germinate and a new plant grows.